World Day for Safety and Health at Work (SafeDay)

World Day for Safety and Health at Work (SafeDay)

Tips for staying focused on the way to work to avoid accidents

Every day, we do dozens of routine tasks, automatically and without thinking… and this can sometimes be dangerous. For example, when travelling from home to work and back again (whether by car, on foot or using public transport), it is important not to get distracted by looking at your mobile, reading or listening to music.

When we are distracted, we are more likely to have an accident which may cause injury to pedestrians, other drivers and passengers. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work (SafeDay), we would like to share some tips that will help you get to work and home again without incident, avoiding potential accidents.

Tips to avoid distractions

Practising mindfulness will help you to connect with the ‘here and now’ while travelling:

  1. Analyse yourself: be aware of how you feel before you leave home. Ask yourself if you feel awake and active. Take a deep breath and focus on how you are going to get to work.
  2. Focus: be aware of where you are, how far along your route you are, and where you are headed. Keep your attention on what you are doing at this moment (driving, walking, cycling…).
  3. Pay attention: notice changes around you, the noise of the city, the feel of the steering wheel or handlebar in your hands, without taking your eyes off the road. If you notice your mind start to wander, give yourself a mental nudge and focus on what you are doing again.
  4. Take conscious breaks: When you stop along the way, perhaps at a traffic light or a bus stop, take some deep breaths to relieve tension. Breathe in as much air as you can and breathe out gently to bring yourself back to the present.
  5. Disconnect from your mobile phone: put it in silent mode and deactivate notifications. The mobile phone is a bad travel companion, for drivers and pedestrians alike.
  6. Put off other actions: Talking on the phone, eating or drinking (particularly in the car) take your attention from the road, so try not to do them. If you wear headphones as you walk, try to put just one in, leaving the other ear free.
  7. Be nice: Have a pleasant attitude to your surroundings, particularly to people, and try not to get stressed out if you are driving or waiting to cross the street. Notice if you are impatient, nervous or complaining, and try to correct these negative attitudes.
Remember to leave home in plenty of time to arrive at work on time without feeling stressed.

This post is also available in: Portuguese (Portugal)