Taking care when sunbathing

Taking care when sunbathing

We’ll go over some key points for keeping your skin healthy, beautiful and tanned this summer.

During the summer months, your body is more exposed to the sun’s rays, which is precisely why you must protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation which can cause damage to skin.

Although we are more aware of the adverse effects of improper sun exposure, there is still considerable misinformation. That is why today we are reminding you of some basic measures for enjoying the sun in a careful and healthy way.

1. Use photoprotective cream: use a cosmetic cream to protect yourself, even on cloudy days or if you have dark or tanned skin, as this does not prevent reactions to UVA rays, which can lead to photoaging, wrinkles, spots or even cancer.

2. Choose a high SPF: make sure that your sun cream has an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30.

3. Know your skin type: the skin’s response to sun exposure is not the same for all people; it is classified into 6 phototypes:

Phototype Effects Hair/eyes SPF no.
I Always burns and never tans. Light eyes and hair. Very pale skin. Ultra 50 protection.
II Almost always burns and sometimes tans. Blue, green or grey eyes. Blond or red hair, pale skin. Ultra 50 protection.
III Sometimes burns and usually tans. Brown hair, light or slightly olive skin. Minimum 30 protection.
IV Tans easily and rarely burns. Dark eyes and hair. Slightly toasted skin. Moderate protection.
V Tans very easily and burns with difficulty. Dark skin. Dark or black hair, and brown or black eyes. Normal-low protection.
VI Tans very easily and burns with difficulty. Dark or black skin. Back eyes and hair. Low protection.

4. Protect yourself in advance
: apply sun cream 30 minutes before leaving so it is absorbed in time. Don’t forget to spread it over your neck, ears, hands, feet and eyelids.

5. Apply cream frequently: reapply sun cream every 2 hours, after a swim or if you’ve been sweating. Remember that the rays go through water and the reflection can also shine in your face.

6. Avoid the sunniest hours: it is important to control and/or avoid sun exposure in the middle of the day when it is the most intense, meaning between 12 a.m. and 5 p.m.

7. Take care of your lips: don’t forget to wear a lip balm with a minimum SPF of 10. The sun can dry out your lips, especially if there is low humidity and you are breathing through your mouth.

8. Careful of your eyes: although you are protecting the skin on your face, it is advisable to wear a cap and good sunglasses so the rays don’t shine in your eyes and damage your cornea.

9. Wear breathable clothing: try to wear light colours that don’t absorb so much heat. If you are doing exercise, wear breathable clothing so the sweat won’t stay right on your skin.

10. Check your birthmarks: look over your spots and freckles to make sure they haven’t changed in size, shape or colour, or to see if new ones have appeared close by. If you have any doubts, consult a dermatologist.

Being aware of the sun’s dangers is key to learning to enjoy it in a healthy way.


Piel Sana Foundation

Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

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