Working out again after a break

Working out again after a break

If you are going to resume your running routine after a break, you should consider certain measures to avoid the possibility of injury.

Putting your running shoes back on can be a good opportunity to get back into the sport, and even going a step further by looking for new horizons in the medium term. If you are one of those people who’s been forced to stop running and wants to get back to your usual routine, there are a few things to consider before starting again.

If the break has been less than six months, there’s no need to start from scratch. However, it’s advisable to take into account the following tips to avoid injury:

  • Start slowly. After a break, you lose rhythm, physical fitness and muscle mass, so you have to go back to the previous level. Do it without rushing, starting with a lighter pace and without the targets you had before. One piece of advice is that for the first few days, start with walking or jogging at a lighter pace.
  • Dedicate time to warming up. The best way to protect your muscles and joints is to warm up before and after running. That way they won’t be stiff and you’ll reduce the risk of injury.
  • Be patient. Getting back to your best will take some time. Pushing yourself to be at your best can backfire.
  • Redefine your targets. Set yourself some new targets for a few weeks. These targets must be real, achievable and in line with your fitness level.
  • Go to the doctor if you think it’s necessary. If you have a chronic illness or heart disease, or have had a previous serious injury, it’s best to seek the advice of a health professional to see how to get back to working out.

It may take a little time to get back to the same level as before the break, so try to control your expectations and don’t rush. Be patient and you’ll soon be back to your best.


  • Foro Atletismo
  • Runnersworld

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