Traditional remedies (that work) to treat and prevent a sore throat

Traditional remedies (that work) to treat and prevent a sore throat

Speaking less, avoiding coffee and drinking more water can help a sore throat.

A tickly throat, pain on swallowing and talking, a hoarse voice… These symptoms appear when the pharynx is irritated, usually because of a viral infection.

Pharyngitis is a mild condition that lasts a few days, caused by heating that dries the throat out, allergies, pollution, tobacco, tense muscles or gastric reflux.

Remedies for sore throats and hoarseness

  1. Gargling. Gargling with sage and warm salty water can be effective. Gargle every day but not more than three times a day to avoid drying the throat.
  2. Hydration. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of liquid is essential. It keeps the mucous membranes moist. Sucking sweets can also help as it produces more saliva.
  3. Soft foods. Eat soft foods, like vegetable soups. Courgette and celery soup contain mucilage which helps to regenerate the mucous membranes and pumpkin soup helps improve your defences.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids. They’re anti-inflammatory and shorten recovery time. Make sure to eat oily fish (tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, cod…).
  5. Hedge mustard. Known as “the singers’ plant” because of its decongestant properties and ability to clear the vocal chords and reduce hoarseness. Drink it as a herbal tea.
  6. Avoid coffee. Alcoholic drinks and caffeine dry out the mucous in the throat. Avoid alcohol and coffee, as well as very hot or very cold drinks.
  7. Speak less. Try to speak less and above all, don’t whisper. Experts say that whispering puts even more strain on the vocal chords.
  8. Breathe through your nose. Don’t breathe in through your mouth. Breathe through your nose because it has its own protection system against micro organisms and warms the incoming air.

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