The ABCs for healthier, smoother skin

The ABCs for healthier, smoother skin

Protect yourself from the sun and your skin will stay looking younger while reducing spots and the risk of cancer.

While the sun has many benefits, too much exposure can be damaging.

Not only that, but sun damage is cumulative. In other words, today’s tan may turn into tomorrow’s blemishes, wrinkles, sagging skin or even melanoma.

Basic tips to protect your skin in summer

Exposure time. In general, sunburn is possible if you stay in the sun for more than 30 minutes. So, avoid the peak hours (from noon to 4 p.m.), that time of the day when you can’t see your shadow.

Sun protection. When you’re not at the beach, protect your face, neck and chest. Choose an SPF of 30 or 50 for the body, which protects against UV-A, UV-B and infrared rays and is water-resistant.

Amount of sunscreen. An adult should apply 36 ml of sunscreen per application (like a scoop of ice cream). Don’t forget ears, neck and feet. And apply at least every 2 hours.

Check for moles. Use the ABCDE rule to identify suspicious moles: Asymmetrical, Border (irregular), Colour (varying), Diameter (more than half a cm), Evolving (raised or textured).

See a dermatologist. You should have yearly check-ups you have more than 50 moles or if they are irregular, if there is a history of skin cancer in your family or if you sunbathe a lot.


Asociación Española de Dermatología y Venereología (Spanish Association of Dermatology and Venereology).

Piel sana in corpore sano (Healthy Skin in a Healthy Body). Andrea Combalia. Ed. Grijalbo.

Cuestión de piel (The Secret of Skin). Yael Adler. Ed. Urano.

Asociación Española de Dermatología y Venereología (Spanish Association of Dermatology and Venereology).
Piel sana in corpore sano (Healthy Skin in a Healthy Body). Andrea Combalia. Ed. Grijalbo.
Cuestión de piel (The Secret of Skin). Yael Adler. Ed. Urano.

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