Look after yourself at work and at home

Look after yourself at work and at home

Getting used to some simple habits can help us feel better

We can sometimes unconsciously repeat habits that are harmful to our well-being, causing headaches, tiredness, back pain, etc. The most effective remedy is always prevention and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Simply introducing small changes in your daily routine (such as correcting posture or changing your diet) is enough to notice an improvement in health.

10 ways to improve your health

  1. Keep up your vaccines: Vaccination is essential for preventing disease. Be sure to have regular check-ups, in order to identify possible disorders at the earliest opportunity.
  2. Use your chair less: Try not to sit for long periods. Give internal messages in person rather than by email, stand-up while talking on the phone, and organise walking meetings.
  3. Watch your posture: Try to maintain the axis of the spine vertical when standing upright. Sit with your back comfortably supported by the chair and try to form a 90º angle with your hips and knees.
  4. Relax your eyes: If you have dry eyes or blink a lot, try looking at a distant spot for a couple of minutes to rest your eye muscles and soothe eye fatigue.
  5. Eat healthily: Plan your menu to control your calorie and sugar content. Carry nuts, yoghurt or fruit with you for snacking between meals.
  6. Enjoy some me time: Find moments to relax and disconnect, enjoying your leisure time or activities such as listening to music, reading or walking.
  7. Meditate: Sit quietly and try to focus on your breathing for five minutes. A pause, even just for a few minutes, improves concentration.
  8. Stay hydrated: Drink at least 2.5 litres of water throughout the day. A lack of fluid causes back pain, as it is a basic element for joints and vertebrae.
  9. Get enough rest: 7-8 hours of quality sleep gives us the energy we need to function properly the following day.
  10. Smile: When we laugh, we release stress and gain in physical and mental health.

This post is also available in: Portuguese (Portugal)