Small changes to improve your diet

Small changes to improve your diet

Changing your daily menus can make a difference in improving health

Although our diet is generally shaped by our lifestyle (tastes, timetables, exercise, etc.), it should be as varied and healthy as possible to help prevent diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

40% of the population believe that their diet is unsatisfactory or could be better. The best way to improve our health through an intelligent, balanced diet is by proposing realistic, feasible changes to the way we eat.

Steps to a healthier diet

  1. Weekly planning: Write down all your meals for the week on a calendar. Note down the amounts, preparation method and drinks you consume. When preparing a dish, save time and money by making enough for several days.
  1. Fruit, an essential staple: Eat at least five pieces of different fruit a day, preferably seasonal for better value for money. Eat them whenever you fancy, whether for dessert or between meals, as they always provide the same calories and vitamins.
  1. Greener menus: Vegetables should make up more than half of the dish. Try to eat raw portions and include uncooked food throughout the day (a tomato for breakfast, rocket leaves with your afternoon toast, etc.).
  1. Cut back on processed food: Eat less precooked food and ready meals, and more fresh products.
  1. Pulses, twice a week: These are a rich source of energy, vegetable proteins and slow assimilation hydrates, have little fat, and provide a high amount of fibre.
  1. Use clean cooking techniques: The healthiest forms of cooking are those which are less fatty, and, moreover, these are also the easiest to prepare (boiling, grilling, sautéing, etc.). Grilling food takes about the same time as heating a ready meal.
  1. Cut back on sugar: The WHO recommends keeping below 25 grams a day, the equivalent to around six teaspoons. Keep away from soft drinks, sauces and pastries, which can have a lot of sugar even when savoury.
  1. Drink more water: Drinking water is the simplest, healthiest and most economical way to hydrate ourselves without adding calories to the body.
We can all eat a little better.

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