I Love Heart: Cardio exercises to work your heart

I Love Heart: Cardio exercises to work your heart

Improve your cardiovascular health with more intense training

Cardiovascular, aerobic or cardio exercise makes us move our larger muscle groups. When working out for more than 20 minutes at moderate intensity, oxygen demand is constant and the body burns fat to maintain energy.

This type of training is very beneficial for a healthy heart, as it increases heart rate, improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and helps maintain a healthy weight.

30-minute cardio routine

  1. Skipping

Start with simple skips with your feet together, then alternate between each foot, opening and closing your legs, moving to the sides, and finally raising your knees or in a zig-zag movement.

  1. Going up and down stairs

Go up one at a time and then two at a time; come down one at a time and then two at a time; frontally and sideways. This will strengthen the quadriceps and buttocks, and eliminate toxins.

  1. Burpees

Stand with your legs together, head high and shoulders back. Crouch down, put your hands on the floor, stretch your legs, do a push up, bring your legs back in, and leap back to your starting position. Repeat 5 times and rest for a few seconds, or combine with climbing up and down stairs.

  1. Spinning

Get on the exercise bike and adjust its resistance for more intensity. Play stimulating music and do the exercises both sitting and standing. This speeds up circulation, and the pumping legs oxygenate the whole body. By supporting your arms, you push your triceps, biceps and deltoids, and your abdominal muscles are put to work.

Exercise should not be too intense in order to burn fat during cardio exercises, indeed you should not exceed 70% of your maximum heart rate (about 220 minus your age).

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