For impenetrable lines of defence

For impenetrable lines of defence

An optimal immune system is the result of a series of healthy habits. Here is a reminder.

The immune system is the set of mechanisms a person has to cope with invasion of foreign bodies and to fight off the appearance of infections. It is acquired before birth, and matures and strengthens during the first years of life.

This complex structure, distributed throughout all organs and fluids of the organism (except the brain), has two components: lymphocytes (white blood cells that protect us from infections) and antibodies (corporal proteins that block viruses and bacteria). They both reach most tissues through the blood and lymph (liquid which protects from pathogens).

According to recent studies, 75% of our immunity depends on factors related to quality of life: diet, physical activity and healthy habits. For this reason, paying special attention to our lifestyle and changing our habits where necessary is key to ensuring optimal lines of defence.

Tips for a healthy immune system

  1. Balanced diet

A varied nutritional pattern which stimulates the immune system is essential for good health. The 5 basic rules are that our diet should: 1) include seasonal products, 2) include intake of five meals a day, 3) maintain a balance between consumption of raw and cooked food, 4) avoid processed and refined products (margarines, processed buns and pastries, chips, etc.), and 5) avoid fried food, preferring steamed, grilled or baked instead.

Furthermore, by having a balanced diet we will receive the majority of the macro and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins, trace minerals) necessary for stable defences.

  1. Keep calm

Excessive worrying, nerves and problems affect our immune system and its response to different pathologies. It is advisable to lead as relaxed a life as possible, combining work, social relations and leisure.

  1. Do some sport

The World Health Organization recommends carrying out at least two and a half hours of moderate physical activity a week in order to improve cardiorespiratory function and bone health, as well as to prevent non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer or Alzheimer’s.

Moderate physical activities include activities at work, domestic chores and even everyday walking and moving about. These movements produce a series of molecules in the blood that have a positive effect at nerve level. Moreover, sport helps to eliminate bacteria from the lungs, sends antibodies and white blood cells, and prevents bacterial growth (thanks to the increase in temperature).

  1. Give up bad habits

Following a balanced diet and carrying out physical activity is as important as following healthy habits (giving up smoking) and taking good rest. Nicotine diminishes the effectiveness of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that destroys bacteria and fungi and reactivates damaged tissue.

Likewise, adequate rest is essential for our body to replenish the energy it needs to function.

Our body tends to seek a balance between the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system in order to keep healthy and to adapt to new conditions.

"Practically all human ailments are directly traceable to wrong habits," Joseph Pilates

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