6 tricks for sleeping through the night

6 tricks for sleeping through the night

On World Sleep Day, let’s review expert tips on getting a good night’s sleep.

Sleep is essential for health, but environmental factors and our lifestyles can create difficulties when it comes to getting some rest. On the occasion of World Sleep Day (March 19), we’ve gathered recommendations from the experts who will help us to achieve quality sleep.

Tips for falling asleep quickly and staying asleep

1. Light and early dinner. Have dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed and try to have something that’s easy to digest (avoid heavy and raw foods; steamed fish and vegetables is best, for example).

2. Train beforehand. Sport is the best vaccine against insomnia, but only if you do it by the early afternoon. If you do sport close to bedtime, it can increase your levels of adrenaline and activate your brain, which will make you sleep worse.

3. Unburden your mind. Write a to-do list. This will help you to specify your ideas and tackle them the following day. You will feel like things are more under control and you’ll get to sleep faster.

4. Warm feet. Try to keep your feet warm when going to sleep. Use socks or an extra blanket on your feet if necessary. Cold feet can make it difficult to fall asleep and make you wake up.

5. Lavender. Put a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow as it favours increased melatonin (the hormone that regulates sleep).

6. Breathing. Take deep breaths before going to sleep. If you wake up, inhale through your nose and calmly count to 4. Hold your breath for 7 seconds and exhale the air through your nose while counting to 8.

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