10 foods that dietitians won’t eat

10 foods that dietitians won’t eat

Popcorn, fibre bars and processed food make the nutritionists’ blacklist.

We keep them in the pantry as treats and snacks, but there are many foods we should toss out because they provide no nutritional value and are bad for our health.

Nutrition experts are clear. Popcorn, pastries and frozen processed foods are on their list of off-limits food. Fruit, vegetables and pulses, on the other hand, are a regular part of their diet.

10 foods blacklisted by nutritionists
1. Popcorn. Popcorn is loaded with chemicals. Plus, microwave popcorn contains diacetyl which, if eaten in excess, can end up causing Alzheimer’s or cancer, according to a study by Brazilian researchers.

2. Fibre bars. Most are chocolate bars in disguise, low in fibre and packed with sugar. The same is true of sweets. Nuts, fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, are high in fibre.

3. Processed meat. Rich in fat and sugars, processed meat increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Sausages are also a no-no. With the exception of Iberian ham, the rest are usually full of additives and starch.

4. Precooked food. Precooked foods are high in sodium and calories, as well as colourings and preservatives. Replace them with fresh foods and cook them at home.

5. Snacks. Chips and other snacks are a source of saturated fat and calories. Swap them out for healthier options like dried fruit, yoghurt and homemade granola.

6. Processed pastries. Packaged biscuits and cakes contain trans fats, which increase the risk of heart disease. The same goes for white bread. Choose wholemeal options as an alternative.

7. Fruit in syrup. Fruit already has enough sugar and doesn’t need the extra dose that comes from syrup. Your best option? Natural, seasonal fruit.

8. Sugar-free desserts. Many sweets contain xylitol, erythritol or sorbitol, substances that can cause digestive upset and diarrhoea. Replace them with a piece of fruit or make a homemade cake.

9. Margarine. Most margarines contain processed vegetable oils. Choose an organic butter, which is high in Omega 3, instead.

10. Carbonated drinks. These are a source of sugars and calories, even the diet versions. Swap carbonated drinks for herbal teas and homemade lemonade.

15 Foods Registered Dietitians Never Eat. Betty Gold. Real Simple. February 2023

10 alimentos que los expertos nutricionistas no tocan ni con un palo. Alba Ramos. December 2016. El Confidencial

40 alimentos supuestamente saludables que los nutricionistas nunca comen. Karla Walsh, Krissy Brady and Colleen de Bellefonds. Esquire. March 2023.

Seis alimentos que los nutricionistas siempre evitan. Laura Conde. La Vanguardia. October 2019

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